Registrations completed

We regret to inform you that the capacity of the places to participate in **Batucada Fest La Palma 2024** is complete.  

We are counting the days to spend an incredible weekend, full of learning, coexistence, music and good atmosphere. 

Thank you very much to everyone for the great reception that BATUCADA FEST LA PALMA has had one more year. 

From the organization we only have words of gratitude, THANK YOU for making us one of the largest batucada events in Spain!

And remember to stay tuned for news on our social networks and this website.

Get ready for a unique show, TOOMPAK at Batucada Fest La Palma 2024!

The TOOMPAK company was born in 2003 in Madrid, and since its beginnings it has created multidisciplinary percussion shows, always within the framework of sustainable themes ("TOOMPAK", "RECICLART", "RECICLART 2.0.", "THE 3RS", "INNVENTORS" , “THE THREADS OF VULCANO”, “THE RUBBISH CUBE”, “PLANET CHANNEL” “OBJECT MUSICERS”, “BOING PLANET”, “THE RUBBISH CUBE”, “TRASH”) that have led them to stand out on the scene international culture in a notable way with participation in festivals such as “FESTIVAL IBEROAMERICAN DE TEATRO DE BOGOTÁ” (Colombia), “Festival Santa Lucía” (Mexico), “Festival de Avignon” (France) or the “Festival de Teatro Clásico de Mérida” (Mérida Classical Theater Festival) (France) Spain), among others... 

They are currently touring with TRASH, a show created with Yllana, the famous gestural comedy company that has been on the international scene for more than 30 years and a guarantee of quality and success. After visiting countries such as Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Portugal or Malta, and this year they arrive at La Isla Bonita with a proposal for all percussion and comedy audiences: TRASH!

From Boston to Batucada Fest La Palma 2024, we present:

Marcus Santos
Contemporary percussionist and educator from Salvador Bahía, Brazil. Internationally recognized for having been the face of several percussion brands and especially for his tutorial videos on YouTube. 

Marcus has performed globally, including performances for the President of Brazil, at TEDx conferences, and with MTV's "One World Band." . He contributed to the Oscar-nominated film "Rachel's Wedding" and has received numerous awards, including the KOSA Recognition Award in 2013, the Outstanding Artist Award in 2008, and the Berklee College of Music Outstanding Percussionist Award. In 2024, he was honored with the Outstanding Artist Award by Arts at the Armory in Somerville, MA. 

In 2023, Marcus recorded the soundtrack for Ken Burns' PBS documentary "American Revolution" and performed at the Fête de La Danse in Monaco. He has written the instructional DVD "Modern Approach to Pandeiro" and contributed to BOSE's "Musically Speaking II." His workshops on Afro-Brazilian percussion have been presented at Carnegie Hall, PASIC, and Harvard. 

Marcus currently directs the Grooversity network project, leading twenty-four percussion groups in the United States, France, Germany, Bermuda, and Canada. Through his performances and educational efforts, he inspires musicians, fosters cultural understanding, and promotes Afro-Brazilian music around the world. 

We are looking forward to enjoying the great Marcus Santos!

Registrations 80% complete

We inform all our followers that registrations to participate in Batucada Fest La Palma 2024 are 80% complete. 

We ask groups that want to register, before doing so, to contact the festival organization by calling 605 28 57 71 (Marcos Pérez), so that we can let them know if there are still free places for the event. 

THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO EVERYONE for the trust and great reception of our festival one more year.

Get ready for an explosion of rhythms and energy at Batucada Fest La Palma 2024!

This year, we are honored to present the most vibrant and talented percussion teacher of the moment, Adriana Portela!

Adriana Portela is a percussionist, musical educator with an impressive career and creator of the Banda Didá, the first female band in the world. With her infectious passion and mastery of Afro-Brazilian rhythms, Adriana has captivated audiences around the world. Her energy on stage and her ability to inspire others make her the perfect choice to lead our festival this year. 

What awaits us at the Batucada Fest La Palma 2024? 

Get ready for a weekend full of intensive workshops and dazzling presentations. Adriana Portela will share her knowledge and techniques with the participants, taking them on a musical journey that will make them move their body and soul. 

Reserve your spot now! 

Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn from one of the best percussion teachers of the moment. Register now and secure your place at Batucada Fest La Palma 2024! Together, we will make this the most memorable festival to date. 

See you at the Batucada Fest La Palma 2024 with Adriana Portela!

Second suggestion

One of our teachers is a reference in teaching percussion online! 

His YouTube tutorials have helped thousands of percussionists form their own batucadas. 

Who will it be? 

Find out at the festival!

Excitement at Batucada Fest La Palma 2024!

This year we are proud to announce the presence of a world-renowned teacher, a true reference for women in Brazil. 

Who will be this talented figure who inspires with her artistry and passion for percussion? 

Find out at our festival and be surprised by her incredible talent!

We start with surprises

Attention to all lovers of Brazilian music and percussion! 🥁🌍

Batucada Fest La Palma 2024 will feature two international teachers who are references in Brazilian music and percussion, they come eager to transmit that percussive culture to all of us👏.

This year will be a unique experience full of energy and positive vibrations that we will never forget. Stay tuned to our social networks and website to find out all the details about the Brazilian percussion teachers who will accompany us at this festival.

We will continue to have many more surprises.

GET CHEERED, you can't miss it!

Get ready for an explosion of rhythm and musical diversity!

On September 13, Batucada Fest is filled with the magic of Africa with the Thioune Brothers Concert.!

The band, made up of some of the best instrumentalists in Senegal who have been joined by European artists from different musical backgrounds, works on a repertoire full of references to musical diversity. Thus, the traditional sounds of West African cultures such as toukouler or diola are joined by others of more contemporary creation such as afrobeat or reggae.

Hermanos Thioune was born in 2009 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria thanks to Aly and Khaly Thioune, two brothers who graduated in performing arts from the National School of Art of Senegal and received scholarships from the University of Paris. He has three albums on the market of African music fused with other world music rhythms. The first of them is Yewoul Africa (2009). The second, from 2017, Souñou Yon (our path). The last one, Yen ak ñoun, is a sonorous claim that the roots of world music are found in Africa.

His music unites African drums and kora with electric guitar, bass or drums. The result is sounds like pop, folk, zouk love or salsa. Furthermore, Hermanos Thioune's music is committed to the causes that affect migrants and the problems that plague the African continent.

Discover the magic of African percussion and dance at Batucada Fest!

This year we will have two exceptional teachers:

- Percussion workshop with the talented teacher Bakary Bodian, a Senegalese percussionist with an impressive career since he was seven years old. Let yourself be carried away by the traditional and contemporary rhythms that transmit messages through each beat! 

- Dance workshop with the incredible teacher Khaly Thioune, a versatile Senegalese artist with an infectious passion for music and dance. Discover traditional rhythms such as sabar, mbalax, toucouleurs or dulumba to the rhythm of African percussion and West African music. 

Don't miss this unique experience at Batucada Fest!

Pay ​attention lovers of percussion and African dance!

E​This September 13, in the Llanos de Aridane, we invite you to immerse yourself in the rhythm and energy of our percussion and African dance workshops. A unique experience that you cannot miss! 

Additionally, on this special occasion, we will have the presence of two exceptional teachers who will guide us on this musical and cultural journey. Who will they be? We will soon reveal their identities! 

Get ready to vibrate to the rhythm of Africa and discover the magic of percussion and dance at the Batucada Fest La Palma! 

Stay tuned to our networks for more details and surprises!

Registration form

From the organization of Batucada Fest La Palma we want to invite you to participate in our festival. 

From this moment on, we ask you to pay attention to your emails as we will send you the registration form. We want to inform you that this year places will be limited, so please confirm your attendance as soon as possible. 

You can also contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

If you do not receive news from us, as well as by phone by contacting Marcos Perez: 605285771.

We will be delighted to have you with us and without further ado, See you soon and let the drums roll.